Biodegradable Plastics vs Traditional Plastics

July 25, 2021

To Biodegrade or Not to Biodegrade?

It's no secret that plastic pollution is a major environmental issue. Plastics don't break down easily, and they can have harmful effects on wildlife, ecosystems, and the planet. Plastic waste can be seen littering our oceans, rivers, and cities. In recent years, biotechnology has given us an alternative, biodegradable plastics. These plastics can break down naturally and, in theory, may be more eco-friendly than traditional plastics. Let's take a look at how biodegradable plastics compare to traditional plastics.


Biodegradable plastics are made from plant-based materials like cornstarch or cellulose. Traditional plastics are made from petrochemicals. Biodegradable plastics have different properties than traditional plastics. They can be softer, more flexible, and less durable. Some biodegradable plastics can decompose within a few years, while others may take much longer. Traditional plastics can last for hundreds of years without breaking down.

Strength and Durability

Traditional plastics are stronger and more durable than biodegradable plastics. This is because they are designed to last for a long time without breaking down. Biodegradable plastics are designed to break down, which means they may not be as strong or durable as traditional plastics. For certain applications like packaging, traditional plastics may be a better option.

Environmental Impact

Biodegradable plastics have a lower environmental impact than traditional plastics. When biodegradable plastics decompose, they produce CO2, water, and organic matter. Traditional plastics, on the other hand, do not break down easily and can leach harmful chemicals into the environment. However, it's worth noting that biodegradable plastics can only break down under certain conditions, such as exposure to sunlight, oxygen and moisture. They cannot degrade well in landfills and do not decompose as fast as natural materials such as paper or food waste.


Biodegradable plastics are generally more expensive than traditional plastics due to the cost of raw materials, manufacturing, and testing. However, as technology advances and larger scale manufacturing take place, the price gap between traditional and biodegradable plastics can shrink.


Biodegradable plastics appear to be a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics due to their lower environmental impact. However, their properties may make them less suitable for certain applications. Traditional plastics are stronger and more durable, making them a better choice for some uses like packaging. As with all products, the choice comes down to the specific application and the associated environmental and financial trade-offs.


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